Shirt - Charity Shop
Shorts - Ebay
Belt - Vintage
I love it when I wear an outfit that is completely second hand and not bought from chain stores. I love it so much that it actually makes me feel a tad smug. Now, there's a couple reasons for my smugness, firstly because I will have paid next to nothing and secondly because I know I will be the only person donning such an outfit whilst prancing about my lousy village. Lets face it you wouldn't be able to miss me in this dreamy sunset tie dye perfection of a shirt. I picked it up in Canterbury from a charity shop for peanuts, and to top it all off it came with a matching skirt. The skirt is on the big side but I'll find a way to wear it I'm sure.
Admittedly these are not recent photos as I am currently away from home. I haven't had the chance to take outfit pics which is annoying cos there have been some crackers, let me tell ya. I'll have to recreate them when I get home in a couple days.
On another note, I've been having a lovely time down at my boyfriends watching many a film and eating so much bad food. Does anyone else find they eat worse with their significant other? We had a day out in London, too, spending all day in the Natural History Museum. I felt like such a kid running around the dinosaur section, if you read this post you'll know my love for a good fossil. I also went to see The Guardians of the Galaxy at the cinema on Friday and it was so good. Although the film is aimed at kids, me and my boyfriend thoroughly enjoyed it even if there were one too many cliches. But holy crap isn't the cinema expensive? I guess that's why I don't go too often.
Because y'all should go see it.